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Quick tips

  • Write a shopping list to make sure you don't come home from the shops with far more than you need. Don't be caught out by special offers
  • Instead of take-away night have a left-over night instead! See Love Food Hate Waste for ideas
  • Use refillable and rechargeable products when possible e.g. rechargeable batteries and cameras
  • Use both sides of the page – encourage work colleagues to do likewise so everyone can save 50% of the paper they use
  • Don't forget to buy from charity or second-hand shops too and pick up lots of authentic bargains. Refurbish your sofa to create a fresh new look instead of buying a new one
  • Reuse empty jam jars and old ice-cream tubs for storage or keeping leftovers
  • If you've really finished with that computer, send it to be refurbished or resold
  • Shred old newspapers for use as animal bedding
  • Give your old PC to a school or aid agency
  • Where possible, download leaflets and brochures from the internet.